Jun 5, 2024 | News, Patents
The Italian Supreme Court has definitively ruled in favour of Piaggio, declaring inadmissible the appeal by Peugeot Motocycles SAS and Peugeot Motocycles Italia against the January 16th, 2023 ruling of the l Court of Appeal of Milan which, in line with the Court of...
Jul 20, 2023 | Copyright, Designs and models, Distinctive Signs, News, Patents
During its session on Tuesday, July 18, 2023, the House of Representatives approved the amendments to the Code of Industrial Property already promoted by the Senate, in anticipation of the technical deadlines for implementation. In addition to the various measures on...
Jul 5, 2023 | Designs and models, News, Patents
Between late July and August, Mimit’s call for Patents+, Designs+ and Trademarks+, reopens for the three-year period 2021-2023: an interesting time window to submit applications for non-repayable grants for the valorization of industrial property titles; the...
Jul 3, 2023 | Copyright, Events, News, Patents
Once again, this year Leaders League recognizes us in its ranking as one of the excellences in the international legal scene: once again our firm has distinguished itself for its expertise and solid experience in intellectual property, particularly in patent...
Jan 30, 2023 | News, Patents
Legalcommunity.it reports on the recent Supreme Court decision on patents and inventions made by employees: a great result obtained by our team a few weeks ago, bound to set an important precedent on the matter. Sena vince in Cassazione sull’equo premio per il...
Dec 30, 2022 | Copyright, News, Patents
On the subject of the attribution of exclusive rights in the hypothesis of creations realised using artificial intelligence, Elisabetta Berti Arnoaldi was interviewed by Dario Aquaro and the testimony is published today by Sole24Ore in the article: Industrial Patents...