News in the world of digital advertising

Elisabetta Berti Arnoaldi and Francesca La Rocca Sena discuss with Spot and Web the significant innovations introduced by the IAP with the updating of its Digital Chart, which aim to ensure greater transparency and fairness in digital advertising practices and...

Digital Chart

This week, the IAP – Istituto dell’Autodisciplina Pubblicitaria (Advertising Self-Discipline Institute) has released online the version of the Digital Chart Regulation, updated to regulate new forms of commercial communication with influencers,...

Greenwashing and sustainability: towards an EU Directive

The path towards an EU Directive on Greenwashing marked a significant milestone yesterday. In fulfilment of the Green Deal commitments, the Commission deposited a new proposal setting out common criteria to fight greenwashing and misleading environmental claims. The...

Digital Influencer

Francesca La Rocca will be among the speakers of the webinar: Digital Influencers and Online Advertising: regulatory landscape and issues, which will be held by LIDC on Wednesday 14 September, from 3 pm CET. Digital communication and the role of influencers will be...